Say hello to...

Jordan Checker

Game On, Glenelg

“There is no such thing as the best time to start.”

Health and fitness have been a fundamental part of Jordan’s life for as long as he can remember. Being a part of multiple high-level sporting teams, Jordan was able to learn various aspects of training and, from there, found his love for weight resistance training.

Jordan’s decision to become a PT was a natural transition, as he always had a passion for helping other people and an aspiration to share his knowledge and experience with those who needed support.

For those looking to start their fitness journey, Jordan noted that there is no such thing as the best time to start. People all too often say they’ll start after they settle into their new job, or when they’re back from holiday. But the truth is there will always be something else going on, and fitness will simply have to fit around it.

Jordan is very much a performance-based coach and believes that at the end of the day, improvements in appearance will come as a result of increased performance.

Jordan is also a Javelin thrower, which takes up a lot of his spare time, but when he does have downtime, he loves to get to the beach as often as possible.

Get to know Jordan

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A wolf – they aren’t the biggest or strongest, but they are confident in their abilities!

What’s your favourite meal?
Chicken Hawaiian pizza

What is your favourite gym exercise?
Sumo deadlift


Speciality Areas:

  • Strength Training
  • Fat Loss/Muscle Gain (Body Comp)
  • Athlete Development
  • Nutrition
  • Technique Correction


  • Certificate IV Fitness
  • Certificate III Fitness

Contact Jordan

Fill out the form below and to train with Jordan.

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