Say hello to...

Jacinta Rugari

Game On, Marion

“The first step is always the hardest.”

Jacinta started her fitness journey with the goal to become comfortable in her own skin after having children. She began weight training and tracking her nutrition, and very quickly saw results, and she has been hooked ever since. Jacinta was inspired to become a trainer so that she could help others take control of their health and feel confident. Jacinta loves that every day she gets to empower her clients, encourage them to succeed, and share in their success stories.


For those just beginning their fitness journey, Jacinta says to remember that the first step always feels like the hardest, but once you begin you will never regret it. If you stay consistent, good results will come!


Jacinta’s training style is centered around getting her client’s to believe in themselves. Jacinta believes that we should all be lifting weights so that we can perform compound movements better as we age, so weight training is incorporated into her training.


When not at the gym, Jacinta keeps busy! On top of being a Mum, Jacinta makes time for the beach, going for walks, and reading a good book. She loves to educate herself and thrives on levelling up her knowledge.

Get to know Jacinta

What’s your favourite gym exercise?

Anything that trains back!

What’s your favourite meal?

Homemade pizza! They always taste better than the takeaway shops!

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?

Did they finally invent flying cars, or are we still stuck in traffic?


Specialty Areas:
Nutrition Coaching
Female Training
Improving Lifestyle Habits
Small Group Classes
Pre And Postnatal
Strength And Resistance Training

Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate IV in Fitness
Nutrition Advisor/Coach

Contact Jacinta

Fill out the form below and to train with Jacinta.

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