Say hello to...

Daniella Tulipano

Game On, Woodcroft

“Start small.”

Daniella’s fitness journey started out as many do – innocently trying to lose a bit of weight. However, this quickly developed into an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. After pursuing bodybuilding and she ran her mental and physical health into the ground, and realised this version of ‘health and fitness’ wasn’t sustainable, enjoyable, or healthy! She decided to prioritise forming a healthy relationship with food and exercise and saw dramatic improvements to her physical and mental health. Daniella’s own journey ignited a passion for helping women create a healthy relationship with food and exercise and forming sustainable lifestyle habits. She loves being able to show women that they can achieve their health and fitness goals without punishing their body.

To those who are just beginning their fitness journey, Daniella says to start small by building habits, and explore what works best for you. She reminds us that “your health and fitness habits should energise you, make you feel good and make you excited to move your body!”

Daniella tends to focus on strength and resistance training, while tailoring to the clients individual wants and needs. She create programs that allow her clients to reach their goals, and enjoy it through the process, and create habits that will last a lifetime.

Daniella’s hobbies outside of the gym involve spending time with her partner and friends, sharing lots of cuddles with her dogs, reading and going for walks.

Get to know Daniella

What’s your hidden talent?

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A bear – I’d love to hibernate in winter

What’s your favourite meal?
It’s a tie between risotto and sushi!


Speciality Areas:

  • Strength & Resistance Training
  • Sustainable Lifestyle Habits
  • Forming a healthy relationship with food & exercise
  • Female Specific Training


  • Certificate IV in Fitness
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science

Contact Daniella

Fill out the form below and to train with Daniella.

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