Say hello to...

Lanna Pearl

Game On, Clarkson

“Remember why you want to start.”

Lanna’s love of fitness began when she first joined a gym, and has never stopped. Lanna grew both mentally and physically at the gym, however she believes that she could have seen better results if she had a trainer that could have assisted her with general gym knowledge and form. Lanna was inspired to help other young girls get the most out of their time at the gym, and now as a trainer enjoys seeing her clients come to life with confidence.

To those who are just beginning their fitness journey Lanna says to stop thinking about what other people may think of you. She reminds us to keep in mind the reason you wanted to start and ignore everything else.

Lanna’s training style varies from person to person, but always has a heavy focus on perfecting technique. Whilst each client receives tailored programming, Lanna incorporates weightlifting, and enjoys building glutes and strong upper bodies.

When not at the gym, you’ll find Lanna spending time with loved ones, and hanging outside!

Get to know Lanna

What’s your favourite meal?
Steak and chips

What’s your hidden talent?
I’m a pretty good sprinter

What’s your favourite gym exercise?
So many, but currently single-leg leg press!


Speciality Areas:

  • Glute Building
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Growth


  • Certificate IV in Fitness

Contact Lanna

Fill out the form below and to train with Lanna.

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