Say hello to...

Kevin Tran

Game On, Balcatta

“Don’t fixate on the end goal.”

Like many personal trainer, Kevin first got into fitness as a kid playing junior sport and trying to beat general boredom. When it came time to build a career, Kevin knew he wanted to be trainer as he enjoys the process of being able to make a real difference in someone’s life and wanted to be able to do so day-in and day-out.

For those just getting started, Kevin says to shift your focus from fixating on the end goal to learning to enjoy the journey to get there. By enjoying the steps, you will create long-term habits that will inevitably get you to your end goal instead of trying to fast-track your way to immediate success.

Kevin’s training style varies per client, however he loves to focus on Muay Thai, weight training and cardio.

When he isn’t with clients or doing his own training, you can find Kevin spending his down time having a much needed nap!

Get to know Kevin

What’s your secret talent?
I was the Hide and Seek Champion in 2021

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
How long have I been frozen for?

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A bear – so I can get a good night’s sleep for once

Contact Kevin

Fill out the form below and to train with Kevin.

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