Say hello to...

Brandon Harrison

Game On, Midland

“Find the ‘why’ to guide your fitness pursuits.”

Brandon found that his own personal health and fitness journey lead him to change his life for the better, and after realising he could help others, he became a trainer to do so. As a trainer, Brandon loves being able to empower his clients to take care of themselves and leave a positive impact on their lives.

For those just beginning their own health and fitness journey, Brandon advises taking things slow and gradually building. In doing so you will remain consistent and see the fastest results. He also recommends pinpointing the ‘why’ that guides you and gives meaning to your fitness pursuits.

Brandon takes a holistic approach to strength and conditioning training, and always keeps an open mind to all styles and approaches, which are tailored based on his client’s needs.

When not training clients, Brandon likes to get outside and go for a hike or relax with some gaming.

Get to know Brandon

What’s your hidden talent?
I am a metal vocalist

What’s your favourite meal?
Steak, just steak

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A lion


Speciality Areas:

  • Strength
  • Mobility
  • Corrective exercise
  • Holistic Health


  • Certificate IV in Personal Training
  • CHEK Integrated Movement Science Level 1
  • CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1
  • NDIS Certified

Contact Brandon

Fill out the form below and to train with Brandon.

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