Say hello to...

Ben Crane

Game On, Happy Valley

“Celebrate the small wins” 

Ben got into fitness through playing sports from a young age, which sparked his love for staying active. He became a PT to help people achieve their own health and fitness goals. 

To those looking to kickstart their fitness journey, Ben’s advice is to take action before overthinking it – just make a start and celebrate the small wins along the way. 

Ben’s training style is objective, practical, and transformational, with a focus on efficiency. 

When not at the gym, you can find Ben travelling, hiking, gaming or researching. 

Get to know Ben

What’s your favourite gym exercise?  


What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?  

Where’s the gym? 

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?  

A whippet, so I can run really fast then sleep all day. 


Speciality Areas 

  • Strength & Conditioning  
  • Body Recomposition  
  • Sports Specific Training 
  • Counselling Interventions 
  • Addiction Therapy

Qualifications and Certificates  

  • Certificate IV in Fitness  
  • Diploma of Counselling  
  • Advanced Study Major in Counselling Clients with Addictions  
  • Advanced Study Major in Abuse Counselling 

Contact Ben

Fill out the form below and to train with Ben.

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