Summer Body Transformation Tips

Oct 29 2018

In 6 short weeks, the sun will be sticking around for good as summer officially hits Perth. But is your body ready for it?

By: Alex Morosan – Victoria Park Trainer

Some choose to exercise daily, some go on strict eating plans and most times, people starve themselves to drop that little bit of weight. The majority of these methods are usually not maintainable over a longer period and the risk of going back to old habits is very high. Here are some simple yet sustainable ways to kick-start your summer body transformation:


As most of us have full time jobs, families and studies taking up most of our time and attention, getting in shape might be at the bottom of our priorities list. However, any physical activity that gets you moving more than you usually would is a good place to start – a beach walk, bike ride or walking the dog are simple and enjoyable ways to get started and allow you to gradually challenge yourself to go a little further than you have previously.


Make exercising a fun challenge between your friends is another great way to get your fitness goals started. It doesn’t need to get competitive, but keeping each other accountable and on track makes the journey more enjoyable and fun.


When it comes to getting in shape, there is a lot of bad information online that promotes starving yourself and avoiding certain delicious foods. Balance is key when it comes to eating and enjoying life in general. You do not need to cut all the “bad” foods out but just make sure your balance is right. Your summer body is your goal; but teaching yourself healthy eating habits is key.


There are many ways to spice up your training to avoid boredom and prevent exercise becoming an unwanted chore that you must do daily. There many ways to train to improve your overall look and fitness level. A personal trainer can help with finding different ways to keep your exercise routine enjoyable.

Getting in better shape doesn’t have to be a gruelling experience. My top advice would be to take small steps and set short term goals when you first start. Be sure to also try different kinds of training styles and be mindful of your food choices.

Fitness shouldn’t just be a seasonal lifestyle change, where for 3 months of the year you do everything in your power to look better, and the other 9 months you slip back into old habits. This approach could see you get in potentially worse shape than what you were when you initially started.

Instead, we want you to feel healthier and happier in your own body throughout the year and make fitness a part of your day-to-day lifestyle.

View Alex’s profile here and feel free to get in touch.

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