Say hello to...

Shannen Edwards

Game On, Rockingham

“Be kind to yourself!” 

 Shannen was a competitive swimmer growing up, and she began going to the gym for extra strength and conditioning sessions. It was there that she truly fell in love with health and fitness, a passion that blossomed once she started training with her friends in the gym. This inspired her to become a personal trainer, where she finds the most joy in seeing her clients gain confidence and develop their own love for fitness. 

To those who are just beginning their fitness journey, Shannen believes in keeping things simple and being kind to yourself. She advises her clients not to overcomplicate exercises or diets, but to focus on consistency with basic exercises and a balanced diet. 

Shannen’s training style is a mix of strength, cardio, and balance, with an emphasis on stability. She also enjoys incorporating cardio and HIIT sessions and uses her training sessions to educate her clients, preparing them for a lifelong fitness journey. 

When not at the gym, you can find Shannen painting, reading, watching anime and thrifting. 

Get to know Shannen

What’s your hidden talent? 

I can play the piano with my hands behind my back! 

What’s your favourite meal? 


If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 

My dog – we both love naps, snacks and want to socialise with everyone 


Specialty Areas 

  • Glute Growth  
  • Muscle Hypertrophy  
  • Core Stability  
  • Weight Loss 


  • Certificate IV in Fitness 

Contact Shannen

Fill out the form below and to train with Shannen.

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