Say hello to...

Taati Heke

Game On, Ellenbrook

“Keep things simple!”  


Throughout high school, Taati started running the roads and lifting weights, fuelled by his desire to get bigger, fitter and play in the NRL. From those early days until now, health and fitness has always been a priority for him. Taati’s personal training journey began from being a role model to young league and union kids, and he continues to channel this passion by helping others with their training and fitness endeavours. 


To those who are just beginning their fitness journey, Taati’s top tips are to always have a training goal in mind, keep things simple, track your progress and remember to enjoy yourself throughout the process! 


Taati prioritises a hands-on training style and encourages his clients through positive feedback and praise. 


When not at the gym, Taati enjoys relaxing with his family, watching lots of sports and playing a bit of casual golf with his mates. 

Get to know Taati

What’s your favourite meal?
Fish and chips, with battered mussels, a yummy salad and tomato sauce.  

What was the last song you listened to on Spotify?
Three little Birds by Uncle Bob 

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
How’s the All Blacks going? 


Specialty areas: 

  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Injury Rehab Programmes
  • CrossFit Training Sessions
  • Bootcamps
  • One on One & Group Training Session 



  • Master’s in Health Science
  • Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science
  • Premier/Senior & Under 21’s level Rugby Coach
  • CrossFit Level One Coach
  • Thump Boxing Level 2 

Contact Taati

Fill out the form below and to train with Taati.

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