Say hello to...

Monique Manolini

Game On,

“Don’t wait for Monday.”

Monique first started training at the gym when she was 16 and instantly fell in love with the community, lifestyle, and the way it made her feel. Her love for the gym made her want to study personal training for her own personal knowledge. She didn’t realise at the time how much she would enjoy it and that she’d want to make it her career! Monique now loves educating people, helping them reach their goals, and building lifelong relationships.

For those thinking about joining a gym themselves, Monique says don’t wait for Monday, the perfect moment or motivation. Just start!

Monique loves focusing on resistance training and splitting each day into a different muscle group.

When she’s not in the gym, Monique enjoys trying new restaurants, going for walks, and spending time with her loved ones.

Get to know Monique

What’s your secret talent?
I’ve been told my cooking is restaurant quality!

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Please tell me you cryogenically froze my cat too?

What’s your favourite meal?
Homemade gnocchi or a steak cooked medium rare, with mash, veg and mushroom sauce!


Speciality Areas:

  • Resistance Training
  • Building Self-Confidence & Mindset
  • Training Simplicity


  • Certificate III in Fitness
  • Certificate IV in Fitness

Contact Monique

Fill out the form below and to train with Monique.

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