Say hello to...

Lorenzo Klees

Game On, Malaga

“There is only you in your lane”


Lorenzo began to work on his health and fitness whilst living in Melbourne during Covid-19 lockdowns. His mental health was in a bad state, and he turned to training to work on his mental wellbeing. As a trainer Lorenzo loves being able to give everyone the opportunity to feel the joy of investing in their health and wellbeing. He also enjoys watching his clients become excited when they begin to love their training.


To anyone beginning their own fitness journey, Lorenzo says to remember that there is only you in your lane. He also reminds us that motivation is not there every day, and that it’s grit that pushes us through.


Lorenzo’s training style focuses on strength, hypertrophy, and performance.


When not at the gym, you’ll find Lorenzo hiking, playing video games, and reading.

Get to know Lorenzo

What’s your hidden talent?
Probably my inability to whistle.

What’s your favourite meal?
Can’t go wrong with anything my Mum has made!

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Probably a koala – I love my sleep.


Specialty areas:

  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Powerlifting
  • Body Composition
  • Rehabilitation


  • Certificate III In Fitness
  • Certificate IV In Fitness

Contact Lorenzo

Fill out the form below and to train with Lorenzo.

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