Say hello to...

Grant Gillon

Game On, Girrawheen

“Start with the small things”


Grant started his personal fitness journey to lose some excess weight, and to help cope with his stress and anxiety levels. However, it was his desire to help others which motivated him to take his fitness journey a step further and become a Personal Trainer. As a PT, Grant hopes to demonstrate that fitness doesn’t always have to use the same mould or approach.


To those who are just beginning their fitness journey, Grants biggest piece of advice to start small and set achievable goals. Whether that be as simple as parking your car further away so you can increase your step count, walking the dog, or helping a friend move house, the possibilities are endless.


Grant’s training style is varied for each client and is response to how his client’s best learn. Some people are more visual learners, while other prefer verbal cues. Regardless of learning style, Grant ensures that he is always finding what works best for each client.


When not at the gym, you’ll find Grant participating in sport, whether that is playing indoor volleyball, or basketball in his backyard, if it involves being active you can count on Grant being there.

Get to know Grant

What’s your hidden talent?
Knowing a little, about a lot

What’s your favourite meal?
A good steak!

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A hawk – I’d want the gift of flight, but still considered a predator so people would leave you be in peace!


Specialty Areas:

  • NDIS Clients
  • Youth Training
  • Strength Training
  • Sport & Exercise Sessions


  • Certificate III In Fitness
  • Certificate IV In Fitness

Contact Grant

Fill out the form below and to train with Grant.

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