Say hello to...

Grace Ogle

Game On, Girrawheen

“The first step is always the hardest!”


Growing up, Grace loved being leading the pack when playing team sports, being captain or the coach every time she had the opportunity. As she got older, she still had this passion for sport and fitness, as well as leading others and helping them perform to the best of their abilities. This was why she decided to become a personal trainer and has been working on educating herself on training and the gym ever since.


To those who are just beginning their fitness journey, Grace says “the first step will always be the hardest”, so she recommends planning how you will achieve your goals, then breaking that plan down into tiny steps. Once the journey has been broken down, it won’t seem as daunting each day you will progress through your journey.


Grace’s training style is based on hitting each clients goals, with a  training program design specifically to help them achieve their corresponding goals.


When not at the gym, you’ll find Grace going for hot girl walks, eating Acai bowls, doing cheerleading and being a model.

Get to know Grace

What’s your favourite meal?
Vegetarian Nachos

What is your hidden talent?
I can drink tomato sauce

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Has anyone found Madeleine McCann?


Specialty areas:

  • Guidance For Young Girls
  • Performance Enhancement for Athletes
  • Support For Fitness Enthusiasts


  • Certificate III In Fitness
  • Certificate IV In Fitness

Contact Grace

Fill out the form below and to train with Grace.

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