Say hello to...

Amy Giles

Game On, Modbury

“Small change is still change.”

Amy first started her journey to becoming a personal trainer with an interest in fitness from a young age. Growing up, Amy played team sports, and later in life she joined a gym to form good exercise habits. When she realised she didn’t know much about training in a safe way, she decided to gain knowledge and further her education in the area. Now, Amy loves sharing this knowledge with her clients and inspiring them to put themselves first.

For those just beginning their fitness journey, Amy advises to start with small change. She says that it is important not to overwhelm yourself trying to change everything all at once, with the reminder that “small change is still change!”.

Amy’s training style is always unique to each client. She provides a very supportive, motivated approach to training clients and value their likes and dislikes.

When she’s not at the gym, you’ll find Amy enjoying one of her hobbies; netball, reading, and taking the dogs to the park.

Get to know Amy

What’s your hidden talent?
I can stand up on a surf board for 30 seconds before face planting!

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
I am scare of almost all animals – this would be my biggest fear!

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
Did I get super powers?


Speciality Areas:
Goal Specific Training
Strength Training
Fat loss and Muscle Gain

Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate IV in Fitness

Contact Amy

Fill out the form below and to train with Amy.

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