Gym Cleanliness and Hygiene
We are dedicated to maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene in all our gyms. Our staff conduct regular cleans of the gym floor and professional cleaners are visiting your gym often to ensure you are training in a clean space.
Please remember to do your part and wipe down the equipment after your use. You will find antibacterial spray and reusable wipes located around the gym floor.
To train in the gym all members must use a towel. If you do not have one, you can purchase a towel at reception during staffed hours.
Club Safety and Emergency Response Equipment
Throughout our clubs you will find emergency evacuation diagrams displayed on the walls. The diagrams detail the location of fire preventative equipment and emergency exits.
Each club is equipped with an emergency response area. The emergency area is home to a first aid kit and automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Our staff are qualified in first aid and CPR, please reach out for help if needed.
If assistance is required during unstaffed hours, security can be notified by either a 2-way communication phone or push buttons which are located at the emergency area. Lanyards are found hanging throughout the gym and will notify security when pushed.
Please make yourself familiar with your club’s emergency area and the emergency evacuation diagrams.
Club Security
Our 24/7 security system utilises high resolution CCTV cameras throughout all areas of our gyms, ensuring all activity inside our gyms is recorded. Our security team has the ability to access this footage to monitor the security of our gyms.
Member Conduct
At Revo Fitness we value inclusivity, where all people can train in a supportive and positive space. We do not accept any form of misconduct and any occurrence will be investigated by our Operations Team.
If your experience falls short, we want to hear about it. Please reach out to us at
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How to upgrade:
Download the Revo App and Login
Click Account and then click Member Portal
Click Upgrade and follow the steps