Temporary Gym Closures – COVID-19 Restrictions

Jun 29 2021


The State Government has enforced a 4-day lockdown for the Perth and Peel regions as of 12:01am Tuesday 29/06/21. This will restrict a large number of businesses from opening during the lockdown period, which includes indoor facilities such as gyms.

Due to this enforced lockdown, all Revo Fitness locations will be unavailable from 12:01am Tuesday 29/06/21 until the completion of the lockdown at 12.01am Saturday 03/07/21.

We have automatically put all memberships on hold and there will be no membership debiting during the lockdown period. If your membership debit day falls within this period, your membership debit will be on the day of reopening after the lockdown has ended.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support during these difficult times, and can’t wait to have you back in the club at the end of lockdown this weekend!

Don’t forget, we offer HIITFIT On Demand if you’re keen to get your HIIT on from home, with a new 30 minute workout up every day!

UPDATE – 02/07/2021

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting for – Revo Fitness gyms will be back open from 12:01am Saturday 03/07/2021!

However, there are significant restrictions in place with a maximum number of 20 people allowed in the gym at one time. This will be a rolling count, so that when the maximum has been reached, a new person will be able to enter as one person leaves.

This will be enforced by our staff members who are not included in the total count. You can always check our live in club counter on the homepage of our website to see how many people are in the club before heading into the gym.

To keep it fair and allow as many people as possible to utilise the gym during this three-day period, sessions will be limited to 40 minutes maximum.

While these restrictions are limiting and we’d love to be able to see a vibrant gym once again, we fully support any actions necessary to keep the greater community safe. These restrictions are only until Tuesday 12:01am 06/07/2021 where we’ll go back to our 150 person maximum!

Our gyms will have slightly different opening hours during this three-day period so that our staff can manage these restrictions.

Our revised opening hours are:

Saturday 03/07/2021: 12:01am-11:59pm

Sunday 04/07/2021: 5:00am-11:59pm

Monday 05/07/2021: 5:00am-11:59pm.

24/7 Access resumes as per normal from this time.

Shenton Park opening hours will remain as normal.

Please don’t forget to:

  • Wear your mask (available from reception for $2.00)
  • Bring your towel (available from reception for $10.00)
  • Wipe down equipment after use
  •  Scan in on SafeWA App on entry

Thank you to all of our members for your continued supporting during this week and can’t wait to have you back in the club soon!

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