Say hello to...

Katie Goronski

Game On, Mirrabooka

“Work out because you love your body!” 

Katie got into fitness as a teenager after facing a tough year that significantly impacted her mental and physical health. She joined her local gym and learned to listen to her body, and it was here she found that strength training and yoga made her feel her best. For Katie, it wasn’t just about fitness but also about self-love. Over time, her passion for health and fitness grew and turned into a career she loves. As a personal trainer, Katie believes there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing her clients reach their goals and transform their lives, whilst building their strength and confidence. 

For those just beginning their fitness journey, Katie advises to work out because you love your body, not because you hate it. Remember to practice self-compassion, consistency, and patience; just because it is taking time does not mean it isn’t happening. Find out what you love, what works for you, and stick with it. You got this! 

Katie tailors her training style to each client and their individual goals, however she says her clients can expect to see strength and hypertrophy training styles in their programs. 

When she’s not at the gym, you can find Katie practicing yoga, swimming in the ocean, going on picnics, baking treats, reading, writing and spending time with loved ones. 

Get to know Katie

What’s your hidden talent? 

Parallel parking. Just kidding, please don’t watch me try to park! 

If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 

A beaver, because I build “dam” strong muscle! 

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years? 

Did you miss me? 


Speciality Areas:

  • Women’s Health
  • Strength Training
  • Hypertrophy 


  • Certificate III in Fitness 
  • Certificate IV in Fitness 

Contact Katie

Fill out the form below and to train with Katie.

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